What are Instagram Stories?
Instagram Stories is a feature that allows users post content that will disappear in 24 hours. Photos and videos added to your story appear in a slideshow format. Users have the option to add different features to make content more interesting, fun and engaging.
But, have you ever thought about using them to generate more leads for your business? Here’s how.
1. Swipe Up
Instagram Story has mean great features. One, if not the best one, is the ability to link any website, blog or article with the use of a ‘swipe up’ link. ‘Swipe up’ links are simply attached to your story, giving your followers a call-to-action to visit the link. It makes it super easy for potential clients or customers to make a purchase.
This feature is only available to IG business accounts with over 10,000 followers, but is an absolute game-changer when it comes to driving traffic to your website and gaining sales.
2. Polls and Q&As
Instagram Story also has the option to add poll and Q&A stickers to your stories.These features are great because you can engage and learn from your followers.
To use either of these features, when you add content to your story, hit the peeling smiley face in the top right corner of the story screen, and click whatever feature you want to use. Instagram will track the responses, so you can reply and engage!
3. Event Advertisement
Stories are great, simply because you can advertise anything you want. One great way to take advantage of this is to feature and advertise your events. You can encourage sign-ups and in turn, hopefully you will see a big turn-out at your event!
4. Engage, Engage, Engage
Engaging with your followers can always help promote sales. Be sure to like, comment and message your followers. Extra attention can help build brand loyalty and keep customers happy!